Sunday, September 24


I was in the mood for pancakes this morning.
Thought I'd experiment a bit since the opportunity was there.

Red mung bean pancakes

We had left-over beans and thought it might add some texture. It seemed to cook up alright, unfortunately I didnt get to taste that much of it since I had to run off to work, but I was told that it tasted "alright". I'd try again. Cool colour.

The reason for this pancake urge was that on Friday night some of us attempted to go to Pancakes on the Rocks. I was pretty sure that I was closed for renovations, as informed by Suze, but we just HAD to make sure. No queue? Obviously no open. Poor Jo, there's no such place in Albury.

Food was really needed at the time as the pub crawl was getting a bit slooshy in Audz's stomach. The next closest place was the Lowenbrau. Haha, their uniforms are amusing. Short shorts just dont work for guys. Dessert it was. The chocolate pudding and apple studel wasnt anything too spectacular, it was pretty late after all. Daytime food would probably be of more interest. I did like their setup though, with communal tables, very cosy atmosphere. Cosy enough for Jo and I to feel comfortable entertaining John and Audz with our "wonderful" singing. "Wooooahwooahhhwoooooahwoaaaaah...uptown girl". Needless to say they looked a tad worried.

Once again, another excellent night with tops company.

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